Dealing with a Herniated Disk

Dealing with a Herniated Disk

Dealing with a Herniated Disk

One of the more common sources of back pain is a herniated disk, which also may be called a bulging, slipped or ruptured disk. While pain from a herniated disk tends to go away on its own, it is helpful to know the signs to look for, should your herniated disk need more medical care.

What Does It Mean to Have a Herniated Disk?

A herniated disk is when the disks between the bones in your spine leaks or even tears, causing back pain and mobility issues. Typically, these occur in women and men from ages 30 to 50, though it affects men more often.

How Is A Herniated Disk Caused?

The outer layer of the disk between vertebrae becomes weaker over time, which make it more fragile. When the jelly-like substance that acts as the cushion leaks out through the weak parts of the disk, it can press on spinal nerves. There are many factors and events that may account for, or put you at a great risk of, a ruptured disk:

How Does Location Affect Your Back Pain?

Depending on where the ruptured disk is located along the spine, there will be different symptoms and signs of the rupture. These are typically of two categories – a disk either in the neck or in the back. A herniated or slipped disk in the back is usually associated with sciatic nerve pain that shoots down the buttocks, down into the leg, and sometimes continuing to the foot.

How Do You Treat Your Herniated Disk?

Pain may go away on its own, though you can reduce your pain by resting for one to three days, taking a pain reliever and applying ice or heat to the area. If these don’t work, and if any of the following apply, you should visit a doctor who can come up with a treatment for you, which can include alternative medications, spinal injections, physical therapy or surgery:

Consult with a doctor if you are not sure, and mention to them what medications you are on, so that you can be given the best chance for a quick recovery.

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