How to Manage Fibro Fog or “Brain Fog” 

How to Manage Fibro Fog or “Brain Fog”  

Fibromyalgia, commonly referred to as FM, is a complex disorder known to cause chronic musculoskeletal pain, localized tenderness, and constant fatigue. But while it’s mainly characterized by pain, the condition has other side effects such as fibro fog. Read on for tips on how to manage fibro fog.  

What is Fibro Fog?  

Pain has a way of affecting not only the physical but also mental health. For instance, when in intense pain, most people tend to become fuzzy and forgetful. In that light, fibro fog is the term used to describe the cognitive difficulties those under constant pain caused by fibromyalgia experience. In other words, fibro fog is brain fog from fibromyalgia. Besides forgetfulness, fibro fog also;  

Managing Fibro Fog: 6 Essential Tips 

Although fibromyalgia currently has no cure, it’s possible to manage not only the condition but also the side effects it brings along such as fibro fog. With that said, check out the fibro fog management tips below;  

  1. Don’t Beat Yourself Up  

 Beating yourself up when you are unable to spell a simple word, hold a conversation, or do ordinary things because of fibro fog causes sadness and eventually leads to depression.  

Depression, as you may know, harms your mental and physical health. In other words, blaming yourself for something you can’t control, such as fibro fog, only makes things worse. Consider fibro fog and fibromyalgia, in general, a common health problem, accept it as part of your life, and then take steps to manage it instead of being in self-denial and self-blame.  

  1. Exercise  

Exercising regularly has significant benefits for your overall mental and physical health. In someone diagnosed with fibromyalgia or a chronic pain condition, exercise restores the body’s neurochemical balance and conditions the body to normal functioning. This not only eases fibromyalgia’s chronic pain but also improves cognitive functions and, as a result, lifts brain fog, enabling you to think clearly.  

1. Work Your Brain 

Besides physical exercises, also try and engage in mental activities as regularly as you can. Crossword puzzles, brainteasers, and games that require strategic thinking will help mentally stimulate you.  

2. Create a Sleep Routine  

Sleep is as beneficial to the human body as exercise. Enough slumber time allows your body to repair itself both mentally and physically. Therefore, make sure you get enough sleep, and while at it, create a regular sleep routine, so you fall asleep faster and get more quality sleep.  

3. Don’t Multitask  

We know you want to feel normal, but unfortunately, due to fibro fog, your brain just can’t function the same way as that of an ordinary Joe. Try to avoid multitasking as it’ll become too hard for your brain to process everything you’re trying to do at once. This, in turn, will worsen your brain fog. Do one thing at a time, so you not only do it perfectly but also avoid overworking your brain.  

4. Keep a Record  

Start tracking your fibro fog patterns. In other words, keep record of when your brain fog tends to be at its worst. For instance, is it after you wake up? Is it when you’re trying to do too many things at once? Is it when you’re stressed?  

Learning when your brain fog is at its worst helps you identify your triggers. For instance, if after recording for a while, you realize you tend to experience severe brain fog when you overwork yourself the previous day, then you can avoid overworking and, consequently, ease fibro fog.  

Living with fibromyalgia, leave alone the fibro fog is not easy. But it’s manageable and so are the symptoms. Check us out for more tips on how to manage chronic pain caused by fibromyalgia and fibro fog management.  

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