May Is National Physical Fitness And Sports Month: Here Are Tips To Use When Exercising

The National Physical Fitness and Sports Month is in full swing, so if you have started a new exercise routine that your body feels all over, here are a few tips when exercising that will help with pain management. Of course, if you need professional advice, you can also call us to help you too.

  1. Eat Potassium-Rich Fruit Before Working Out

If you have ever exercised on an empty stomach, you know what lightheadedness and weakness feel like which is why you need to eat a piece of fruit an hour before eating so the nutrients have time to circulate and build up your energy. Eating fruits high in potassium like oranges, bananas, grapefruit, raisins, or honeydew before you exercise will have you feeling energized, but it will also reduce the number of muscle cramps you feel after a routine ends.

Experts warn you must drink two liters a day of water on any typical day to avoid exhaustion, but you will want to add coconut water to your schedule to replenish your body and prevent muscle cramps. Like the fruits listed above, coconut water is high in potassium as well which advocates of raw coconut water believe helps regulate your body’s system, blood pressure, and heart health. Coconut water also replaces the loss of electrolytes and keep you hydrated.

Lots of people put the focus on their workouts and forget the most critical part which is the warm-up which helps you get more flexible and limber before engaging in physical activity. Not only will it raise your respiration and heart rates, but it also allows you to increase your core temperature enough to get your muscles more flexible. Building up your circulation also pumps more oxygen and nutrients into the bloodstream which gets your body ready for a more strenuous workout. You will want to structure each warm-up based on your exercises. You should also engage in stretching after a workout to relax your body and lower functions.

How much time do you spend in a gym? If you are like many other people working out, there is immense pressure to work out and engage in more extreme exercise routines which means your body is going to feel some wear-and-tear eventually. If you have yet to learn about massage therapy to reduce pain after intense routines, you must visit us at Maryland Pain and Wellness where we will show you how to exercise without pain, stress, or lack of mobility.

Aquatic therapy is ideal for working out those sore muscles after a strenuous routine which you will definitely feel a day or so afterward. A consultation with our therapists will help you learn to exercise without pain as well as how to workout with the use of aquatics to reduce the overall stress and strain that your body always feels soon after a tough routine finishes.

Are you ready to start a new fitness routine? If you want to avoid the sore muscles or stiff joints afterward, contact us at (301) 926-8400 (Crofton), (410) 881-7644 (Prince Frederick Office), or (443) 672-2600 (Salisbury Office) or email

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