Staying On Top of Arthritis Pain

Staying On Top of Arthritis Pain

Staying On Top of Arthritis Pain

Arthritis causes stiffness, pain, swelling and a decreased range of motion in the joints. Being a joint pain, arthritis can affect most regions of the body, and the intensity varies from person to person. Sometimes arthritis gets more severe over time. Staying aware of the level of pain or other symptoms you’re having will help you and your physician analyze the best treatments for your pain.

What Types of Arthritis Are There?

There are two common types of arthritis, but in total, there are over 100. Your physician and specialist will be able to help you figure out if you have arthritis, and which kind it is. Learning about the two most common will give you an idea of what to look for:

What Treatments are there for Arthritis?

You should always speak to your medical care professional once you notice arthritis symptoms, as catching it early can slow down the progress of arthritis. There are quite a few treatments, all of which will be recommended according to your pain’s needs and your body’s ability to handle them:

How Can You Reduce Your Risk for Arthritis?

While age is sometimes a factor in arthritis, there are other lifestyle choices you can make in order to avoid arthritis for longer. Here are a few recommendations that might be within your control:


Arthritis is fairly common, and fortunately there are many effective ways to delay its onset or treat it. The pain caused by arthritis can be difficult to manage, but with the help of a physician or a specialist, you can find the right treatment sooner, rather than later.

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