Summer Activities and Guidelines to Ease Your Chronic Pain

Living with chronic pain can be difficult without the proper treatment. Along with medications that your physician can prescribe to you, there are other normal daily activities that you may find help ease your chronic pain, along with being relaxing in their own right. Finding the right activities for you may take some trial and error, but if you find someone to participate with you, or find one that is easy and comfortable to do alone, you may find yourself with a new favorite treatment regimen. Here are a few suggestions for warm weather activities that can help with chronic pain.


It seems simple, but some chronic pain sufferers get their exercise from simple, every day walking. Depending on your speed and your body’s capacity for walking, this can be anything from a few minutes to a few hours. Staying hydrated while you do so and easting properly to avoid inflammation will also assist in keeping your walking exercise effective and fun.


Gardening is low impact, and it has clearly-visible results. You can take your time, monitor your garden – some people even map their gardens out or use an app to track everything they’re growing. Even if you’re just weeding for a few days in a row, doing something that keeps you moving, helps your chronic pain and has an obvious end goal can make for an enjoyable, healthy outdoor activity.

Canning Produce

This takes a little bit of specialist equipment, and might not work for you if you have trouble twisting the tops onto cans, but putting together healthy produce, jams and pickles and canning them safely and sanitarily is another activity with obvious, measurable results. On top of this, you’ll have your healthy, delicious food waiting for you even longer than it would have. Ask your doctor what foods are best for your condition, and see what the best way to can those would be.

Eating Healthier

It is always advisable to eat healthier, whether you’re canning or not, or whether you have chronic pain or not. When dealing with chronic pain, though, you should pay attention the kinds of foods that reduce the inflammation that causes chronic pain. Combine those foods with your favorite summer outdoor cooking and you’ll have a recipe for a barbecue that you can enjoy and helps reduce your overall chronic pain. There’s no reason you can’t enjoy warm weather and good food, too.


It is always key to take things one step at a time, especially if your chronic pain reacts poorly to certain stimuli or exercise. Your doctor may also be able to advise you as to other types of activities that be beneficial for you and your chronic pain in the long term. Find something that works for you and see how you can work it into your daily routine, and how that affects your chronic pain and your mood. Whatever you pick, you should enjoy it, as well.

Maryland Pain & Wellness

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