4 Mild Exercises That Could Help with Chronic Pain

As we are emerging out of the Covid-19 pandemic and are slowly returning to life as we once knew it, former routines, such as working out, might be harder to get back into rotation. Here are some tips to getting back into cardio and how it can help with your long term pain!


Besides enjoying pain relief from cardio exercises, they are also good for your mental health. Better still, you can do them without any equipment. You can start by taking a walk within your compound. Half an hour for around four times a week is enough. However, if you are not used to walking, start small, then gradually build on your strength.

Swimming is also a perfect cardio exercise. If you have a pool at home, jump right in. It is also therapeutic.

  1. Just Relax

Many people associate exercise with breaking a sweat. However, relaxation is also a form of exercise. It also requires no equipment, and you can do it any time. For maximum relaxation, get into a comfortable position. This can be on your bed or the floor. Once you get into a comfortable position, relax and close your eyes. Take control of your breathing. Inhale through your nose, and exhale through the mouth. Now pay attention to your breathing pattern and visualize. You can do this before bed or any other time during the day.

  1. Building Some Strength

If you suffer from chronic pain, strengthening exercises could be what you need. Besides alleviating pain, they also help prevent injuries in the future. To improve core strength, focus on muscles of the hips and back. You might need a mat for these exercises. Just make sure you are consistent to see some results.

  1. Stretches

Stretching will help you get rid of any stiffness and tension on your back. If you are having mobility issues, these exercises can significantly help. There are many poses you can try, for instance, the happy baby pose.  If this is your first time working out, look for beginner-friendly stretches. After some time, you can then progress to complex stretches. All you need is a mat and some zeal.


If you are working out at home and a gym instructor is not around to advise you, you can quickly get hurt. Therefore, it’s necessary to take some precautions. For instance, always warm-up and cool down properly. Also, do not strain your body. If you wake up feeling fatigued, skip the workout. Don’t feel guilty if you cannot complete an entire session.

In case you quit your workout routine for some time, go back to an easier level upon resuming. Also, remember to increase your water intake. Don’t be lazy to change into workout gear simply because you are at home. And above all, consult a wellness professional before embarking on any workout routine aimed at alleviating chronic pain.                                                                                                                      

Maryland Pain & Wellness

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